Correction: I just got back home from failing at programming at work.
Here's a picture of what the place looked like before I left.
Anyway, I just suck at programming. Basically everyone else left at 5:00 PM today except for me and the other girl. D: We had a few programming exercises to do, and it took me much longer than everyone else to semi-finish. I think the reason why I'm so bad at writing code is because I'm so illogical. Lol.
But at least I happily wake up every day to go
Lol, I'm getting creepy again.
Anyway, I'll share a few pictures of Shanty Town. It's pretty messy. :)
This is my bed on the floor. Totoro just chillaxes all day. |
Here's my living room. I need to do some tidying up in the Shanty. |
So yeah, I'm just livin' my days in Shanty Town. Working, learning how to program from my attractive teacher, and eating a lot. Hopefully, I'll get better at programming so as to not disappoint my kind, geeky "sensei." He sometimes starts talking in Japanese during class (and I don't know whether I should feel embarrassed or giddy inside). Ah well, he's married. :(